The board of Wilderness International Germany is responsible for the operational work of the foundation.
CEO WI Germany, Director WI Canada, Land Management
Wild nature is a source of inspiration for me and I feel at home there. Next to a huge tree in the old-growth forest, on the foggy riverbank or sitting on a mountain - nature helps to recharge my batteries and to experience small and big wonders. In the last 20 years I have seen whole forest landscapes disappear, cities and roads have covered lakes and valleys. Pristine nature is becoming rarer by the year - at a frightening rate that compels action. I love nature and, as part of Wilderness International, I want to fight to ensure that our Earth will continue to be one thing: Wild and beautiful.
COO, Board of Directors, People & Culture, Education Projects
Sustainable change only happens from the bottom up and out of personal conviction. I believe in that. That's what motivated me to join WI in Dresden as a volunteer 10 years ago. Making nature conservation a tangible experience for everyone and even motivating entire companies to do so has excited me since my early years at WI. I started with networking and accompanying projects with pupils. The course of my illness has given me additional time for reflection. Since my disability, I can invest the time available to me in a focused manner in my tasks. With transparency. With fun. With WI.
The Foundation Board controls the Executive Board and determines the strategy of the Foundation's work. It meets twice a year.
Chair of the Board of Trustees
As a schoolboy, I was confronted with the rapid destruction of the tropical rainforest in South America. Despite the best arguments in favor of preserving the forests, all the predictions of land loss that were unimaginable to me at the time have come true. The commitment of Wilderness International freed me from the powerlessness of not being able to do anything for the preservation of our planet. The donation-financed purchase of the land means that endangered forests are preserved in the long term and I also improve my carbon footprint - a path that is open to everyone thanks to Wilderness International. It couldn't be more concrete and simple.
Member of the Board of Trustees
I've always loved being outdoors, and I have my parents to thank for that. In the course of my life to date, it has become increasingly clear to me privately, during my studies and also through my professional commitment to climate protection, how precious the gift of nature is and how little people often appreciate it - even though they depend on it. That's why I've been a volunteer member from the very beginning. The diversity worth protecting and the fragile uniqueness of wilderness was brought home to me once again during a visit to a piece of land protected by WI in 2011. I would like to help preserve this awareness and the treasure of nature for all the people who come after us. WI does just that: environmental education and reliable protection through the secure purchase of land.
Member of the Board of Trustees
I have always loved being outdoors. Whether on the banks of a river, on a hike in the mountains, in the forest or on the coast. Spending time in nature gives me strength and I can draw new creativity from it. The often unique symbioses between flora and fauna fascinate and touch me deeply. My visit to the rainforest left a deep impression on me, and unfortunately, also showed me how enormously threatened it is. The relentless destruction of these unique natural wonders leaves me stunned and makes the work of Wilderness International so extremely important and valuable.
Member of the Board of Trustees
I am enthusiastic about Wilderness International because the foundation provides answers rather than just questions. In particular, answers to the question: "How can we preserve a world in which future generations can continue to live with similar benefits?". I appreciate the biodiversity of our protected land, the inquisitive students at our educational lectures and the intensive cooperation with various partners, such as travel agencies. I am delighted to be part of the Wilderness International community and to be involved in another building block in the preservation and creation of our world of tomorrow.
Member of the Board of Trustees
After my first visit to the native forests of British Columbia, I knew that I felt a peace and connection in this place that I would not find anywhere else. In my last two years of school, I began volunteering with Wilderness International to inspire my classmates about this unique ecosystem.
After graduation, I moved to Vancouver for two years to study environmental conservation. During this time, I also had the opportunity to go on two expeditions and see how this place works its magic on others, much like it did for me. I am very happy to be able to share these experiences with others by working on Wilderness International's projects.
Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees
For me, a key component of "protecting nature" is raising awareness among young people on the threshold of adulthood. Actively experiencing nature and the experience of seeing great things emerge from many small things through one's own commitment - I would like to pass on this knowledge. Wilderness International offers the opportunity to do this. If we want our children to be able to rely on the support and potential of intact, untouched nature in the future, we must teach them today how to protect it.
Member of the Board of Trustees
Growing up on the Baltic Sea island of Usedom, I have always had a strong connection to nature. Since my youth, I have traveled the continents of the world, sometimes for several weeks at a time. Over time, I began to feel a certain restlessness when traveling. Something was bothering me, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
With the supervision of a student as part of his diploma thesis on sustainability and the start of DIAMIR's forest conservation project with Wilderness International in 2016, I increasingly came to realize my restlessness. Climate change, over-tourism, social injustice and the exploitation of our planet's resources are issues that concern me both privately and professionally. DIAMIR Erlebnisreisen offers me an honest solution for tourism with its small group sizes and by offsetting the consumption of nature on its trips. Encouraging travelers to voluntarily offset their carbon footprint has the effect that people are concerned with this issue that affects us all.
I also came to an important realization: I am not alone in my thoughts and desire to make a difference. As a father and nature lover, I feel an urgent need to get involved, especially in the cause of an intact natural environment. An expedition to the DIAMIR forest in Toba Valley made a big impression on me. The stark contrast between intact nature along the Toba Valley and the huge areas of deforestation showed me how right and all the more important it is to protect these unique natural treasures and habitats. Based on this impulse, several years of cooperation with Wilderness International and the knowledge of the personal, honest commitment of all WI activists, I decided to get involved on a voluntary basis. Because I am not alone!
Member of the Board of Trustees
I was impressed by the wild, untouched nature during a vacation in Western Canada in 2004 and since then it has become a place of longing for me. I very much hope that my children and as many other people as possible in future generations will also be able to get to know intact, healthy primary forests with their unique flora and fauna. I see WI's environmental education in schools as a promising approach to this. Human health also depends on the health of nature!
Member of the Board of Trustees
For me, wilderness is a state in which the direction of man is absent and the presence of man is a respectful guest stay. In the course of my life as a scientist, I have been able to experience and explore nature on various continents. I often found only remnants of pristine nature or nature that had been heavily impacted by humans, while species were also disappearing at home in Germany.
In 2011, I experienced the rainforests on the Pacific coast of Canada for the first time during a WI expedition. I was captivated by the centuries-old Douglas firs and giant live trees that were over 70 meters tall. Often there were only a few trees left that could be quickly counted, surrounded by the growth of young trees on former clear-cuts. How do we humans manage to leave these trees to the wilderness and not one day take a saw to them?
WI is always on the lookout for the last wilderness forests, seeking to acquire them through purchase in order to prevent their deforestation. I find this nature conservation concept so convincing that I am very pleased to be part of WI and to be able to work for the preservation of the last wilderness areas on our planet.
The operational team takes care of all day-to-day tasks.
CEO WI Germany, Director WI Canada, Land Management
Wild nature is a source of inspiration for me and I feel at home there. Next to a huge tree in the old-growth forest, on the foggy riverbank or sitting on a mountain - nature helps to recharge my batteries and to experience small and big wonders. In the last 20 years I have seen whole forest landscapes disappear, cities and roads have covered lakes and valleys. Pristine nature is becoming rarer by the year - at a frightening rate that compels action. I love nature and, as part of Wilderness International, I want to fight to ensure that our Earth will continue to be one thing: Wild and beautiful.
COO, Board of Directors, People & Culture, Education Projects
Sustainable change only happens from the bottom up and out of personal conviction. I believe in that. That's what motivated me to join WI in Dresden as a volunteer 10 years ago. Making nature conservation a tangible experience for everyone and even motivating entire companies to do so has excited me since my early years at WI. I started with networking and accompanying projects with pupils. The course of my illness has given me additional time for reflection. Since my disability, I can invest the time available to me in a focused manner in my tasks. With transparency. With fun. With WI.
For the fact that I found accounting daunting during my business studies and never wanted to work in this area, I am now very happy to have found my way to WI. A friend who recruited me told a few fibs about the amount of work I would have to do. But WI just caught me right from the start, and climbing mountains has always been a challenge I like to take on anyway. And even though I would often rather see trees than numbers, I'm happy to be able to help the trees with the numbers.
After my studies, I first went in a completely different direction. After a year of exhausting but also fun work in the advertising department of a newspaper, which was very conducive to communication, I set off on a full course in the direction of culture. After two further training courses and various jobs in different theaters, however, I gave up in disillusionment. But I had gained a lot of knowledge and experience in public relations, marketing, personnel management, networking, association work, teamwork, acquisition, event management, performance and tour planning, and much more.
Now I had become aimless and let myself drift. As a flotsam and jetsam, I feel wonderfully taken care of at WI in this great team that is more than burning for the cause. I still have a passion for culture as a spectator and stilt walker. I also love the wind around my nose when hiking, skiing, motorcycling, camping, and being at home outdoors.
Payment & Finance
I am delighted to be able to facilitate donation processes and clear data analyses at WI. I originally studied business mathematics and then at some point fell in love with wine. So I studied viticulture and spent almost 10 years traveling around the world as a traveling winemaker. In addition to WI, I deliver packaging-free wine in Berlin, like to go to punk concerts, do sports and am responsible for vine care and wine production in the Kreuzberg vineyard. If you want to play table tennis or skat in the evening, or philosophize about wine and food, you've come to the right place.
Land Digitization
I am involved with Wilderness International because I care about protecting nature and preserving indigenous culture for our children and our children's children. The rainforests of Canada are one wilderness area among many on our planet that must be saved, because many of the current global conflicts are due to a globally disrupted ecosystem and resulting resource shortages. If we humans do not preserve and protect our environment, there will be serious consequences. I vouch for Wilderness International because I know here that my commitment to the protection of nature and the local population will also reach there.
As a child of the countryside and a farmer's daughter, I grew up surrounded by nature, fields, cows, pigs and chickens. At a young age, I helped with the birth of a calf and was able to explain the difference between hay and straw to my classmates very early on. As a teenager, I became more and more interested in nature conservation and how to treat nature and its creatures properly.
I traveled around for several years and was able to gain many exciting impressions. Indigenous Peoples in particular always seemed to me to live in fascinating harmony with nature. I studied tourism management and focused on international sustainable tourism. Later, I worked in destination management for nature and active tourism and supported sustainable tourism projects - and now I have landed at Wilderness International. I am looking forward to working with my team and our partners to protect primeval forests and their fascinating ecosystems - after all, they are the basis of our existence.
I live in the Spreewald and love to roam the woods with my family and our dog Motti. In the fall, we like to go crane watching with tea and lentil soup. When I'm not watching cranes, I'm making music or in the garden.
Even as a child, I loved being outside. Whether it was going cross-country with my dad, playing outside or spending time with my pets, these were my favorite pastimes. And when the TV was on, it was usually a nature documentary. Nothing has ever fascinated me as much as nature. The fact that I can now combine my strengths and my passion at WI makes me proud and gives me the feeling that I am doing the right thing.
Previously, I worked for a tech company in the logistics industry, where I looked after our European customers and dealt with internationalization and the introduction of new products.
In my free time, you can find me either on the beach volleyball court or on my SUP on one of our beautiful waters in northern Germany. I live out my creative side by brewing my own beer with a friend for a few years now. So I'm always up for a chat about sport, food and craft beer, or something new!
Teamlead Cooperation & Special Projects
Big trees, mountains and valleys shrouded in mist. Green as far as the eye can see - the love of travel and the urge to be in the wilderness still characterizes me today. At Wilderness International, I dedicate some of my time to preserving these places and protecting biodiversity.
I have spent the last 20+ years working in Marketing & Communications at Red Bull, Google and YouTube, managing large-scale projects and community events, creating campaigns and content, and initiating creator collaborations. I hope that through the foundation's work and effective partnerships, among other things, we will be able to preserve the last 2.8% of intact land habitats on our planet for our and future generations. They are essential as a global lever for CO2 sequestration and are simply beautiful.
Team Lead Communication
The forest has always been my favorite place, Ronja Räubertochter the heroine of my childhood, and to this day you can often find me roaming the woods.
In my job, I've spent the last 20 years in the marketing sector, working in agencies on campaigns for technology, automotive, fashion and food & beverage brands. Since 2010 I have also been supporting the communications team of Google / YouTube e.g. in the conception and design of media partnerships, corporate cases or CSR projects with creators, sponsors, NGOs and public institutions/politics. The experience of how much power good projects develop through real passion and multi-layered collaborations is my incentive to develop exactly such partnerships with the WI team. And of course, it makes me super proud to be able to spend some of my time actively helping to preserve rainforests - not only for robber daughters...
Communication, Member of the Board of Directors WI Peru
I never thought I would end up in conservation. Actually, I've always been interested in other, more social issues. But no one can convince you to protect the environment as much as nature itself. Standing under a giant tree and feeling its age, seeing whales and hearing wolves howl. I cannot and will not imagine a world without that. And so, since the first time I went to the wilderness as a high school student with WI, I've stuck with it. I organized an exchange with the Gwich'in in the West Arctic and lived north of the Arctic Circle for five months to do it. After that, I studied intercultural communication. In Team Communication I can combine both passions and share the beauty of wilderness with others.
Communication, People & Culture
As a new addition to the Berlin team, I can't wait to jump into the myriad of communications opportunities at Wilderness International. My background is a diverse wealth of experience from the shallows of the communications world. I studied journalism, film and sociology and have a master's degree in communication and media studies. I've worked in the Berlin (social) startup world - from DIY to cooking to crowdfunding. The fact that I can now devote all my energy to nature conservation and environmental protection inspires me a lot - let's go!
Forests have always been my personal happy place. Out in nature and surrounded by animals is often where I simply feel best. It's the best way for me to switch off, relax and recharge my batteries. I also like to tell good stories. And thanks to Wilderness International, I can now combine the two!
After a Master's degree in English, my career path led me to a communications agency. And even though I was already able to deal with important future issues there on a daily basis, I always had the desire to do even more - especially when it came to nature conservation and environmental protection. That's why I'm particularly keen to join the Wilderness International communications team and show as many people as possible how much active wilderness protection can achieve.
In my free time, you can often find me at concerts and festivals. Music has been a very important part of my life since I was a child. But especially after a loud festival, I'm drawn back to nature, where I enjoy the silence and seclusion. This makes it all the more important that we give something back to nature, which gives us so much, and preserve intact ecosystems. I am sure that we can achieve this goal together!
Science & Communication
Since my school days in Meissen, many people have known me as the "social noodle", because I have always loved to stand up for my environment and my fellow human beings. This social streak, coupled with an irrepressible curiosity, led me to travel the world and get to know it better.
I studied viticulture and noticed the serious problems facing agriculture, particularly through internships abroad in New Zealand, South Africa, France, Spain and Chile. The need to change this global exploitation of people and nature in agricultural supply chains then led me to pursue an in-depth Master's degree, which gave me the tools to understand, analyze and ultimately break through these structures. In my own scientific work, I have also dealt intensively with the topics of "carbon footprint", "processes in the Rights of Nature movement" and "philosophy of science". WI gives me the opportunity to reconcile all these interests!
I also have a 5-year-old daughter and a Chilean partner, I love the outdoors, wine, science talks and trying out new things - true to the motto "seeking discomfort".
Media Production
Filming and editing videos has always been a great passion for me, but it never occurred to me that I could also work with it professionally. That's why I did a normal apprenticeship as an industrial mechanic and worked in this profession for over 15 years.
When I became a father, I took a lot of time to travel with my children. This also rekindled my enthusiasm for filming - after all, what could be better than seeing your own children at a young age? On our travels, I was able to capture countless moments in the most beautiful natural surroundings. As a result, my awareness of its importance and protection has grown enormously.
It's all the better that I can now combine all of this at WI - my passion for filming and editing with my commitment to protecting nature.
Science (PhD Student)
Did you know that a single tree in the tropical rainforest can be home to thousands of animal species? Neither did I until I met Kai from WI. The team's passion for preserving the last intact ecosystems has motivated me ever since and makes me proud to be a part of it. Because in a world where for many people a dead tree seems to be worth more than a living tree, we need to act and raise awareness of the value of intact ecosystems.
As a PhD student at WI, I would like to pick up exactly where I left off and make nature conservation as tangible and transparent as possible for people and companies. Previously, I spent 10+ years researching crowdfunding, crowdsourcing and blockchain at the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. I am delighted to be able to bring these topics to WI in order to make nature conservation a tangible experience for everyone.
In my private life, I am also interested in how we can use money as a lever for positive change. I have developed a preference for impact investing. Away from all the numbers, I enjoy playing soccer and walking my dog in the beautiful nature of northern Germany.
Teamlead Product & Development
Before coming to WI as a volunteer, I worked as a software engineer for five years. A good friend, who always inspires me to take on new challenges and experiences, turned me on to WI. At WI, I want to dedicate my time, energy, and youth to protecting the wild places of this earth. I will use my work experience mainly for improvements in the organization and cooperation in the IT sector, but I will also help where I can.
Backend Developer
It is a pleasure for me to be able to protect nature with my commitment. Walking through the forest and climbing up the mountain to look at beautiful landscapes and impressive nature and enjoy the fresh air is something I like to do. That's why it's important to me to protect nature. I also love trees, plants and gardens. In my free time, I often take care of my small balcony garden. I enjoy watching and enjoying the growing process. It also helps me combat stress.
Frontend Developer
Driven by a deep sense of responsibility for our planet, I am committed to finding innovative solutions to environmental challenges and advocating for policies that prioritize sustainability. Working at Wilderness International is not just a job for me; it's a calling - an opportunity to contribute to a healthier, more resilient planet for all its inhabitants.
Backend Developer
Every day I am motivated by the urgent need to tackle environmental issues and the hope that by working together we can create a more sustainable and equitable future for generations to come. Working in an environmental organization is not just a job for me; it is a calling and a lifelong commitment to protect our planet's precious natural resources.
Fullstack Developer
My journey into environmental conservation began in my childhood, which I spent exploring forests, rivers and mountains and building a strong connection to the earth. This passion led me to pursue a career focused on tackling pressing environmental issues and promoting positive change.
In my role at Wilderness International, I combine scientific knowledge with practical action to tackle complex challenges. I approach every task with dedication and creativity - whether it's conducting research to understand the impacts of climate change, implementing community-based conservation projects or advocating for policies that prioritize environmental protection.
Collaboration is at the heart of my work. By forging partnerships with other environmentalists, community members, policy makers and industry leaders, I strive to build consensus and drive collective action towards common goals.
Every day I am inspired by the resilience of nature and the tireless efforts of my colleagues. Together, we are working towards a future where people live in harmony with the planet and ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy the beauty and bounty of wild nature.
Frontend Developer
I love to program and optimize fast websites. Many people don't know that slow websites consume more power than non-optimized sites. So when the PageSpeed rating goes into the green zone, it not only makes users happy, but also the environment. Wilderness International and I are united in our quest to protect our remaining ecosystems. In this way, my work at the desk takes on a meaning that goes beyond PageSpeed.
Working Student (CO2 Calculator)
Since my childhood I have been fascinated by flora and fauna, especially by unique untouched natural areas and habitats. Over the years, I have had the privilege of visiting many regions of the world, including the Amazon rainforest. These experiences have made me realize the importance of an intact ecosystem and the balance between humans and nature, and in 2020 I was given the opportunity to complete my Voluntary Ecological Year with Wilderness International. The work fascinated me so much that I am still actively involved with Wilderness International today.
As project manager of the CO₂ team, I am responsible for our CO₂ calculators, as well as for the annual balancing of partner companies. I am proud to be part of the Wilderness International team and to work together with committed people on our mission to protect untouched wilderness in the long term.
Working Student (CO2 Calculator)
My name is Marten and I completed my Voluntary Ecological Year 2022 at Wilderness. My fascination for the rainforest, and my conviction of its enormous importance, have motivated me to continue my involvement with Wilderness as a working student. I am highly motivated to do my part in protecting our planet. My responsibilities include developing a CO2 calculator and designing media content. I look forward to continuing to actively participate in projects that make a sustainable contribution to our environment.
Working Student (CO2 Calculator)
My driving force is curiosity. As a child, it was playing outside in the garden, and now it’s being part of the CO2 calculator team at WI. My scientific research provides an up-to-date data basis. It fascinates me immensely to learn new things about our complex natural world. At the same time, I find my peace and quiet and the best ideas outside in the countryside.
I am currently studying environmental monitoring and enjoy spending my free afternoons in nature or swimming, reading and drawing.
Especially outside and through my studies, I see every day how essential the protection of nature is for all unique species and the balance of diverse ecosystems.
The fact that I can give something back to nature through my research here at WI gives me hope.
Without our volunteers, we could not protect so much wilderness. We are infinitely grateful for their commitment.
Strategy & Product
Tino Kreßner is a crowdfunding pioneer in Germany and co-founder of the crowdfunding platform In doing so, he advocates for a participatory and transparent allocation of capital to promote sustainable and creative ideas. With Finlane GmbH, he operates parallel crowdfunding technology to promote non-profit projects together with banks. As a founding member of the Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland (SEND), he shapes better framework conditions for companies that focus on their impact rather than profit maximization.
Together with the Wilderness International Foundation, Tino Kreßner initiated the largest private tree planting campaign in Germany and today protects the last intact ecosystems on our planet.
I am very happy to support Wilderness International with my ideas, experience and networks in order to protect the last intact ecosystems of our earth permanently and across generations. In my past I built up an advertising agency in Hamburg, founded a startup in the sports sector and played soccer for Hannover 96. When I'm not working, you can find me with friends in nature or traveling.
I am proud to be part of a movement that is committed to the protection of the primeval nature that still exists today, as well as to education for sustainable development of future generations. The aim is to raise awareness of our environment as a society and to actively establish climate protection with real solutions for both individuals and companies. Making visible the consumption of nature in our lives and at the same time transforming it into environmental protection concepts drives me to push for both permanent nature protection and modern development solutions at Wilderness International.
As a young man and active winter sportsman, I witnessed the great forest dieback in the Osterzgebirge in the 1970/80s. In addition, there was the Chernobyl reactor accident in 1986. These events already formed a strong environmental consciousness in me during GDR times. Kai Andersch inspired me later to become active in international nature conservation: first as an enthusiastic sponsor with the company Gerl for the wilderness runs of the Dresden schools, then more intensively from 2008 as a founding benefactor. Today, I work in the area of finances as a board member in the foundation office on a voluntary basis.
After my experiences in species conservation, where we are desperately trying to preserve what is almost lost - the last populations of endangered species that are increasingly losing their habitat - I want to work for the remaining pristine primeval forests and protect the biodiversity and intact ecosystems that still exist in the long term before it is too late. My first encounter with Wilderness International began with a wilderness sponsorship in Peru and led to me working with Fauna Forever in the Secret Forest for a month. During this time, I experienced the rainforest in a way that made my heart beat faster. The abundance of life and the untouched beauty of nature were overwhelming.
At the same time, however, it was also heartbreaking to see the destruction and immense loss that occurs when protection is not provided. For me, the commitment to nature and species conservation lies not only in the field of biology, but also in sharing stories about wilderness and I am firmly convinced that together we can bring the protection of wilderness far and wide and into many hearts. Step by step. Protected area by protected area.
Chief Financial Officer
I was born in the Andes, in Urcos, near Cusco, a wonderful place full of nature at that time. As a child, I moved with my family to Madre de Dios, where I have now lived for more than 45 years. I love the trees, rivers, streams and waterfalls, the heat and the sounds of nature with its thousands of species of animals here. Although I have to admit that I don't like mosquitoes very much. I have worked for numerous entities in Puerto Maldonado, from tourist accommodations to government organizations to family businesses. But working with Wilderness International is the most fulfilling for me because I see us preserving the things I love so much. And most importantly, because I feel that in this way I can also raise awareness in others about how to care for, protect, and preserve our beautiful natural world.
Founding Member WI Peru, Member of the Board of Directors WI Peru
Having grown up in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, I have been fascinated by nature since I was a child. That's why I did my bachelor's degree in forestry in Peru, then my master's degree in forest ecology in Germany, and am currently doing my PhD in plant ecology. The more I have learned, the more I have come to love and appreciate nature and everything that belongs to it. And I have developed a comprehensive understanding of how quickly mankind is exploiting nature.
Rising population figures, deforestation, environmental pollution, the depletion of natural resources and all the associated consequences are problems that concern me every day. I would like to contribute to solving them. As a Peruvian, I look at these problems from a very personal perspective. As part of Wilderness International, I want to contribute to the protection and restoration of unique ecosystems around the world, starting in my own country.
I have been living in Peru since 1995 and carry out projects for the organization Fauna Forever to research biodiversity, protect tropical forests, provide environmental education and develop local communities. My focus is on the rainforests of the Madre de Dios region in the south-east of the country. I previously completed a PhD in Biology at the University of East Anglia, an MRes at the University of York and a BSc at the University of Edinburgh.
My joining Wilderness International was definitely a happy coincidence – in the right place at the right time, with the right people committed to preserving wild nature. A Peruvian friend introduced me to Fabian Mühlberger in 2018. Fabian and David MacDonald then accompanied me to the Peruvian Tambopata rainforest to photograph the wildlife of the Amazon and to explore the potential for conservation projects in the region. It is always fun for me to show environmentally conscious people this corner of the Amazon, because the sheer diversity of animal and plant species never ceases to take people's breath away. I was very pleased that Fabian and David were no exceptions.
I believe in community conservation because it takes a lot of minds and skills to properly implement processes in this area. That's why we soon started talking about WI's conservation goals. It quickly became clear that WI's strategy of preserving wilderness areas with high biodiversity would fit very well into the local socio-ecological context, and soon enough, I began to actively support the WI team in establishing a permanent presence in the Peruvian Amazon. Today, I am the Chairman of the Board of Directors of WI-Peru and lead the process of evaluating and subsequently sourcing suitable land for long-term conservation measures in Peru.
Office assistance
I was born in Lima-Peru, but moved to Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, 17 years ago with my parents and brother. I am studying law at the Universidad Nacional Amazónica De Madre De Dios (UNAMAD). I love nature and always try to be outside and gain new experiences. I am very happy and satisfied to be part of Wilderness International Peru. My biggest dream is to be able to help and defend people in need.
I thank my mother, father and brother for supporting me in all my dreams.
Botany Coordinator
Since I started studying forestry in Peru, I have gotten to know different types of ecosystems throughout the country. I have always been particularly fascinated by the Amazon. When you work there, you realize that a forest is more than just trees. It creates connections and is a livelihood and home for animals and people alike.
Unfortunately, many of these forests are cut down out of ignorance or because people have no other choice to make a living. This is why the work of Wilderness International Peru is so important! It enables us not only to protect threatened ecosystems, but also to restore them and offer sustainable solutions to local communities, such as agroforestry.
Agroforestry Coordinator
I have been fascinated by forests since I was at school. I love learning about nature and learning the Spanish and Latin names of many tree species. That's why I decided to study forestry and thus also gain technical knowledge about forest management and nature conservation. Both aspects must be taken into account in order to reconcile the needs of people and the environment in a sustainable way.
Here at Wilderness International Peru, we work in an area that definitely deserves our protection! The work in the Amazon rainforest never ceases to amaze me and make me feel grateful. Let's protect this beautiful nature together in a sustainable way!
Head Field Research Coordinator
Animals and nature have been a part of my life since birth. I grew up in the forests of Ontario, Canada, working with birds of prey, bats and other animals as a teenager. After running a conservation NGO in Ontario for 15 years, I am now involved in tropical rainforest conservation and am currently the Senior Field Research Coordinator for Fauna Forever, where I lead vital research work in the Peruvian Amazon.
The partnership with Wilderness International has already led to the protection of thousands of hectares of rainforest, and I am delighted to now be able to work with both organizations to protect endangered habitats in Peru and around the world!
CEO WI Germany, Director WI Canada, Land Management
Wild nature is a source of inspiration for me and I feel at home there. Next to a huge tree in the old-growth forest, on the foggy riverbank or sitting on a mountain - nature helps to recharge my batteries and to experience small and big wonders. In the last 20 years I have seen whole forest landscapes disappear, cities and roads have covered lakes and valleys. Pristine nature is becoming rarer by the year - at a frightening rate that compels action. I love nature and, as part of Wilderness International, I want to fight to ensure that our Earth will continue to be one thing: Wild and beautiful.
Biologist, Photographer, Member of the Board of Directors WI Peru
I have loved nature since my earliest childhood, and I am particularly fascinated by primeval forests. Of course, this has also influenced my choice of career and I now work full-time in nature conservation and am committed to the preservation of wilderness and biodiversity in various ecosystems around the world. I became aware of Wilderness International through my work as a nature tour guide for Diamir Erlebnisreisen, a partner of the foundation. The direct concept of Wilderness International for wilderness conservation, as well as the team behind it, appealed to me so much right away that I absolutely wanted to become a part of this project to protect endangered and spectacular primeval forests.
Communication, Member of the Board of Directors WI Peru
I never thought I would end up in conservation. Actually, I've always been interested in other, more social issues. But no one can convince you to protect the environment as much as nature itself. Standing under a giant tree and feeling its age, seeing whales and hearing wolves howl. I cannot and will not imagine a world without that. And so, since the first time I went to the wilderness as a high school student with WI, I've stuck with it. I organized an exchange with the Gwich'in in the West Arctic and lived north of the Arctic Circle for five months to do it. After that, I studied intercultural communication. In Team Communication I can combine both passions and share the beauty of wilderness with others.
Director WI Canada, Member of WI Peru
When I heard in the 5th grade about trees that are more than a hundred times older than me, I decided to participate in the Wilderness Run. It felt good to be able to actively do something for international and regional wilderness conservation. The opportunity to go on an expedition to Western Canada in 11th grade was an absolute game changer for me, because I could now experience the unique nature in the Toba Valley with all my senses. The vastness and untouched nature of the wilderness touched me so much that I wanted to continue my involvement with the foundation in the future. By organizing wilderness runs and especially as coordinator for the Wilderness Team Challenge, I was able to develop myself further and realize new ideas. A second expedition to our wilderness areas and to the West Arctic have again shown me the meaningfulness of my work - and expanded my craft and cultural skills.
Forest Guardian
I studied biology at UNSAAC in Cusco and have since worked on various projects in the Madre de Dios region, including an environmental study on the renaturation of natural areas destroyed by gold mines and tree species threatened with extinction. My studies have taught me to respect, appreciate and, above all, love nature. It has brought me here, to my beloved jungle, to do a great work. It reminds me of what the poet Rabindranath Tagore once said: "Turn a tree into firewood and it will burn for you, but it will not bear flowers or fruit for your children." Meanwhile, these are no longer just words, they are our reality.
For me, it is indescribable to be able to study and protect what is so close to my heart. To even be able to make it my profession is one of the best gifts that life could have given me.
Forest Guardian
During my last year of study, the northern Peruvian coast was devastated by Cyclone Yaku. I saw how everything was flooded, the city was destroyed and people suffered from the effects of torrential rainfall similar to the El Niño phenomenon. Both events are becoming more frequent due to climate change. It was then that I realized that my generation and all of us who live on Earth in the 21st century have a duty and responsibility to do something about global warming.
One of the biggest challenges facing humanity is to protect and stop the overexploitation of forests such as the Amazon. Through social networks, I learned that Wilderness International was committed to protecting the Amazon rainforests in Madre de Dios, and from then on I wanted to work with them.
The mission of environmental education is to restore the connection between people and nature, and I am honored to contribute to this as the coordinator of the WI Peru Environmental Education Project. I firmly believe that there is good in everyone, and the Madre de Dios community is no exception. Conservation is an arduous and complex task, and environmental education and constant interaction with people is one of the most powerful tools for success.
Forest Guardian
I am originally from the highlands of Peru and am proud of my roots in Arequipa. I have known the jungle for many years. My children were born in Madre de Dios. I immediately fell in love with the jungle and carried out many important construction works for the city, for example the obelisk of Madre de Dios. I consider myself a lover of biodiversity and a connoisseur of flora and fauna since I was 20 years old. I am happy to be part of WI because I like the approach of protecting nature and preserving what little we have left of our wonderful forests.
Forest Guardian
I come directly from Puerto Maldonado, in the middle of the Peruvian Amazon. I work at Wilderness International because it gives me the opportunity to do what I love to do, which is to protect nature and its animals. I learn new exciting things every day and I am proud to be part of this group of forest conservationists!
Forest Guardian
I was born in the beautiful city of Puerto Maldonado, I have always lived here and have always been surrounded by nature. This is one of the many reasons why I am passionate about working for Wilderness International, which also gives me the opportunity to do my part to protect and conserve our forests.
I have not always worked in conservation. In fact, I trained as a graphic designer and computer technician, but I haven't worked in this field for many years. Instead, I worked as a ranger in nature reserves, which is how I came to Wilderness International Peru. I love the daily hikes through the jungle, where you are always rewarded with incredible animal sightings, and the trips on the rivers, where you can admire beautiful landscapes and sunsets.
I am very happy to be part of this great family and team at Wildernes International, where you learn something new every day and have new experiences with people from different parts of the world. You are my daily motivation!
Forest Guardian
Working for Wilderness International gives me the opportunity to do what I am most passionate about, which is preserving and caring for the environment - because it is fundamental to our future. As a forest guardian, I am committed to protecting biodiversity, promoting sustainability and fighting deforestation. Only together can we make a difference!
Forest Guardian
Ever since I started working on various conservation projects in Peru, I knew that I wanted to dedicate myself to working in the rainforest. Now I am a forest guardian with Wilderness International, thanks to the research internships that the organization offers to young Peruvians. I had the opportunity to work first-hand with researchers in the fields of herpetology, mammals and birds, which allowed me to improve my knowledge of wildlife monitoring.
My work focuses on the biological monitoring of our protected areas. As an environmental engineer, my goal is to collect data that contributes to decision making for the conservation of our most fragile ecosystems. Working in the rainforest is a constant learning experience because nature always has something new to offer. Every day is different and amazing, full of shapes, colors and sounds that you can perceive while walking in the forest. I really enjoy that!
Forest Guardian
I was born in Puerto Maldonado in the Madre de Dios region - where our protected areas are located. I started working in the Tambopata National Park in 2001 as a park ranger for nature conservation. Since then, I have become aware of the importance of environmental protection, as it guarantees and secures the ecosystem services of nature that help us to meet our basic needs. And today I am proud to be part of Wilderness International Peru and to be able to contribute my knowledge and experience to the Forest Guardians. As this is a protected area with many challenges for people with illegal intentions, I say with one voice: YES WE CAN!
Forest Guardian
I was born in the Peruvian Amazon, in the Madre de Dios region. Since my childhood I have lived surrounded by nature, and as an adult I have worked mainly in public institutions such as Osinfor, Serfor and others for the benefit of the forests. I have always liked the idea of caring for and preserving the flora and fauna of my region. That's why I consider myself lucky to work for Wilderness International Peru. Every day I learn to appreciate the Amazon and to contribute my knowledge for the benefit of the rainforest and the new generations of forest conservationists.
Forest Guardian
Hello, I'm Luis David Guzmán Lomas, forest guardian in the Amazon region. My job is to protect and conserve this unique and diverse ecosystem. My daily work includes patrolling the trails, monitoring human and animal activity and educating local communities about the importance of conservation. Our goal is to protect the biodiversity of the Amazon region and ensure that human activities do not damage the ecosystem. To achieve this goal, we work closely with local communities and authorities.
Forest Guardian
I grew up in the Peruvian city of Iquitos in the eastern part of the Peruvian jungle and even as a child I was taught to protect the jungle and its natural beauty. With Wilderness International, I can now do just that and work as forest guardian against deforestation and poaching in intact ecosystems to prevent further human impact. My knowledge of drones, outboard motors, ATVs, motorcycles, GPS and seasonal radios comes in handy every day.
Forest Guardian
I come from Pucallpa, in the middle of the Peruvian jungle. Since my childhood I have lived surrounded by the natural diversity of the Peruvian jungle. Thanks to the support of a good friend, I joined Wilderness International Peru and was immediately fascinated by the idea of using my knowledge of the rainforest for such an honorable task: to protect nature and thus ensure a future worth living for humanity.
Forest Guardian
Before joining Wilderness International Peru, I was in the army for 10 years and worked in VREAM, a dangerous area known for drug cultivation, trafficking and a lot of violence.
At Wilderness International, I am dedicated to the security and care of our protected areas, and over time I have learned to love nature in this job and now consider myself a conservationist with heart and soul. As a forest guardian , I am ready to protect our protected areas with my life. I want to be a better person every day and keep learning new things so that I can do a better job every day - for us and for nature.
Forest Guardian
I was born and raised in the rainforest region. Since I was a child, I have loved the stories my grandparents told me about the spirits of the forest. When I close my eyes, I can still hear the sound of the birds at my grandparents' house and remember listening to the song of an owl every evening.
Not everyone has the same connection to nature - so I find it all the more important to share the experiences of my childhood surrounded by forests and wildlife. I want to contribute to the preservation of nature every day - even though I know I can't do it alone. But I will do my part and I am grateful to be able to realize one of my many dreams with Wilderness International: to protect our rainforest and its inhabitants!
Management WI Canada
I grew up in rural western Canada and know that I was very fortunate to be able to enjoy the freedom of the outdoors, hiking, camping and horseback riding. This has developed my identity throughout my life, which is deeply connected to nature and wild spaces. I feel joy and freedom whenever I experience something new or unexpected in the beauty of nature and the world around me.
I realize more and more clearly that these natural spaces need to be protected. Photography and adventure travel have given me the opportunity to preserve and share these experiences. I believe it is important to connect closely with nature to understand the spiritual connection we have with the earth. Our daily lives are overstimulated, and we are too desensitized to a meaningful relationship with a world that we depend on because it sustains us. When you think collectively, you sense the smallness of the individual being within a greater whole. Each part serves to build an amazing network to which we belong. I find meaning and purpose in this belonging.
My hope and goal is to fulfill my obligation of building bridges and protecting. Deep down, I am a connector and protector. Family, environment and community are an inseparable expression of my life and the footprints I leave behind. With Wilderness International, I have found community and meaningful action.
Executive Board WI Canada
Nature and wilderness are my home. I was born and raised on Vancouver Island, and living between the mountains and the ocean has shaped me. Seeing the impact we humans have had on these incredible ecosystems over my lifetime and how important it is to protect them makes me want to get involved with Wilderness International.
These ecosystems give us so much every day. That's why I want to do what I can to give back and help protect them. In this way, I can help ensure that my children can live and play in the wild and that nature teaches them who they are and what they can be, for generations to come.
When I'm not working, I'm on the boat or skiing with my family, taking time to unwind and enjoy this wild place we call home. My involvement with Wilderness International and the path this great organization has taken allows me to take action. It allows me to give nature a voice before it is too late and these ecosystems are gone forever. I am truly grateful to be part of WI and hope that it inspires more people to take action for nature as well.
Executive Board WI Canada
I have always loved nature. I grew up on Vancouver Island in British Columbia and explored the mountains, oceans and forests here. But I didn't have an understanding of how everything is connected and how humans affect nature. I spent my early career as an entrepreneur in the extractive industry. Seeing first-hand how these industries impact nature never made me feel comfortable. I've always had a problem with nature having to pay so much tribute so that people can have what they want.
Now, as an ecotourism operator, we can show and experience nature. We focus our tours on education, conservation and inspiration. We can already see a change in our guests because nature offers such incredible experiences.
Wilderness International has inspired me to effect change on a larger scale. I believe that WI's mission is critical to saving our species, and to take a different path than the one we humans have set our planet on. Wilderness International is a powerful and wonderful organization, and I am honored to be a part of it.
When I'm not traveling for business, I'm usually spending time with my family. My wife and I have two wonderful daughters, and we love to travel and give them new experiences. I also enjoy spending time in the great outdoors, fishing, golfing and camping.
Partnership & Scientific Research Manager
I grew up near Vancouver, British Columbia and was fortunate to spend my time hiking through old growth forests and searching for wildlife in tide pools near the ocean. Growing up surrounded by the diverse ecosystems of the West Coast and witnessing their destruction further fueled my passion for conservation.
I have a BSc in Marine Biology from the University of Victoria and worked in science communications for four years before joining Wilderness. My focus is marine mammals (especially orcas and humpback whales!) and the connection between land and sea. I'm excited to be a part of WI Canada and look forward to helping the organization educate others about the wonders of nature and protect endangered ecosystems for generations to come.
Director WI Canada, Member of WI Peru
When I heard in the 5th grade about trees that are more than a hundred times older than me, I decided to participate in the Wilderness Run. It felt good to be able to actively do something for international and regional wilderness conservation. The opportunity to go on an expedition to Western Canada in 11th grade was an absolute game changer for me, because I could now experience the unique nature in the Toba Valley with all my senses. The vastness and untouched nature of the wilderness touched me so much that I wanted to continue my involvement with the foundation in the future. By organizing wilderness runs and especially as coordinator for the Wilderness Team Challenge, I was able to develop myself further and realize new ideas. A second expedition to our wilderness areas and to the West Arctic have again shown me the meaningfulness of my work - and expanded my craft and cultural skills.
CEO WI Germany, Director WI Canada, Land Management
Wild nature is a source of inspiration for me and I feel at home there. Next to a huge tree in the old-growth forest, on the foggy riverbank or sitting on a mountain - nature helps to recharge my batteries and to experience small and big wonders. In the last 20 years I have seen whole forest landscapes disappear, cities and roads have covered lakes and valleys. Pristine nature is becoming rarer by the year - at a frightening rate that compels action. I love nature and, as part of Wilderness International, I want to fight to ensure that our Earth will continue to be one thing: Wild and beautiful.