For more climate-friendly medicine

Calculate and reduce emissions now and offset them at old-growth forest protection

Wilderness International

A CO2 calculator for the medical sector

Whether it's a general medical practice or a dentist: with our tool specifically for medical facilities, you can calculate the carbon footprint of different practices easily and free of charge.

And afterwards, you can directly offset your carbon footprint by protecting valuable rainforest!

Climate saver forest

Compensation through old-growth forest protection

Primeval forests are real climate savers. They not only store huge amounts of CO2, but also cool the environment, ensure stable precipitation and clean the air. And what's more, they are a habitat for a huge variety of species!

Your advantages

  • Specialized calculators: queries specifically tailored to the needs of the medical sector

  • Cache function

  • Average values for easier calculation

  • Free calculation

  • 1€ compensation donation protects 1 m2 of forest

  • Permanent forest protection > permanent CO2 sequestration

  • Tax-deductible donation with donation receipt

  • Personalized certificate with geo-coordinates

Wilderness International

Example of a wilderness protection certificate forCO2 compensation

What can your medical practice do for the climate?

Information on CO2 compensation

Doesn't compensation mean that emissions are reabsorbed? Is it better to plant trees or protect trees? Why does deforestation actually affect the climate? Many questions are answered in this interview with Kai .

You can also find more information on our info page.

What our calculators offer you
Our calculators are:

  • Transparent & comprehensible: We have only used publicly available data and will disclose the basis of calculation on request.
  • Holistic: As far as the data situation allows, we always include the entire life cycle of a product or activity in the CO2 calculation.
  • Thorough: Numerous quality criteria guide our selection of emission factors from relevant scientific sources.
  • Current: We regularly update, optimize and expand the computers.
  • Diverse & highly specialized: We offer a variety of different computers that are precisely tailored to the conditions of the respective area.

CO2 footprint dental practice

About Wilderness International

 The Wilderness International Foundation, based in Peru, Canada, and Germany, legally purchases wilderness areas with land registry entry and protects them for all future generations.

Donations refinance the purchases and at the same time finance the long-term protection of the areas as well as environmental education projects and research on carbon storage and biodiversity.

I am convinced by the directness of the work. Instead of expensive awareness campaigns, WI actually protects unique wilderness areas. And not only the how, also the what has a hand and foot. Areas are selected on the basis of their acute threat, their ecological importance or their strategic location. All of this can be tracked by anyone using geo-coordinates. More transparency is impossible!

Wilderness International

Jenin Ziemens

Environmental Ambassador

Don't miss another chance to say "thank you" to nature!

How we protect wilderness.

Our guide to saving the world.
Wilderness International


Find land plot

In rapid assessments, we work with researchers to determine the conservation value of a forest area. The decisive factors are whether the area has a high level of biodiversity and CO2 storage capacity, whether it is under threat and whether it is located in a strategically important place.


Buy in advance

The purchase of the land is financed with loans. We do not collect donations for land that we do not yet own.


Obtain land registry entry

We only work in countries with a high level of legal security and only buy land with a land register entry. All two or three foundations are entered in the land register.
Wilderness International


Create aerial images

We use drones to create high-quality aerial panoramas of our land. These are uploaded to our website. Each square meter is provided with specific geocoordinates.


Refinance through donations

Anyone can donate to a specific piece of this wilderness area. The donation refinances the purchase and ensures long-term protection. Each square meter is only allocated once.


Prove by certificate with geo-coordinates

Donors receive a personalized certificate with the exact geocoordinates of the piece of forest they have helped to protect. This makes the protection tangible and directly traceable.
Wilderness International


Research, document, communicate

Environmental ambassadors and researchers visit the areas, conduct research together and experience the forest they are protecting. They then use the research findings, photos and videos for environmental education in schools and to get people excited about wilderness.


Ensure long-term protection

Regular visits, local partnerships, forest guardians, property taxes and the foundation concept ensure the long-term protection and ecological integrity of the areas.

Here's where it goes:
* the figures are based on real expenditure of the last 13 years
1€ protects
1m² forest!
Initial costs
Long-term costs
20 centsEnvironmental education and communication

This part goes directly into our projects, such as wilderness runs and environmental education projects with schools, workshops, and our web platform.

5 centsAdministrative expenses 38 centsLand purchase and purchase process

In addition to the costs for the land purchase, costs for the notary, land registry entry, and property taxes are also included.

19 centsLand purchase preparation: find, research and document relevant nature conservation areas

In rapid assessments, we work with researchers to determine the biodiversity and CO2 storage capacity of the area. Aerial images from drones help us to document the areas.

18 centsLong-term protection and research

The ecological integrity of the areas is monitored and ensured through regular visits, local partnerships, and the Forest Guardians on site. Environmental ambassadors and scientists visit the areas, conduct research together, and experience the forest they are protecting.

Initial costs
Long-term costs
Wilderness International
Henriette Wessel

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