Wilderness International


We don't measure our success in euros. But in square meters.

As a non-profit organization, we owe it to you, our donors, partners, volunteers, employees and committee members, to use our funds responsibly. Your donations should arrive directly and achieve the greatest possible success in our projects. This is the only way we can be an effective fundraising organization.


In Germany, there are no uniform disclosure requirements for non-profit organizations. Nevertheless, we consider it important to disclose our structures, activities and finances in order to strengthen trust and credibility.


Hectares of old-growth rainforest

we have already bought with a land register entry. This is an area about 5 times the size of Central Park in New York.


Hectares of old-growth rainforest

of which have already been refinanced thanks to wilderness sponsorships. 


tonnes of CO2

remain permanently bound in the biomass of the forest. This corresponds to the emissions of around 172,500 long-haul flights.

Wilderness International

In 2023, we received the Phineo "Wirkt!" seal. It confirms that our work has a demonstrable impact and that we are a high-performing and transparent organization. To receive it, we were analyzed by independent experts over a period of 6 months in a four-stage process.

As a donor or partner, you can be sure that your contribution will be used effectively.


Wilderness International

In 2017, we joined the Transparent Civil Society Initiative

In doing so, we commit ourselves to high standards of transparency, accountability and effectiveness for international NGOs. We have signed the voluntary commitment of "Transparency International e.V." to disclose our actions, in the form of 10 points.


Many of you will be familiar with the DZI donation seal. We have decided against it, among other things because it entails high costs and a large administrative burden - more about that here: 

Why does Wilderness International not have a DZI donation seal?

Nature conservation. But effective.

In our impact report, we show you where your donation goes and what we have already achieved together.


Wilderness International

Ten points for the public

On the initiative of Transparency Deutschland e.V., numerous actors from civil society and academia have defined ten basic points that every civil society organization should make accessible to the public. These include the articles of association, the names of key decision-makers and information on the source of funds, use of funds and personnel structure.

That's what we make of it.
* the figures are based on real expenditure of the last 13 years
1€ protects
1m² forest!
Initial costs
Long-term costs
20 centsEnvironmental education and communication

This part flows directly into our projects such as wilderness runs and environmental education projects with schools, workshops and our web platform.

5 centsAdministrative expenses 38 centsLand purchase and purchase process

In addition to the costs for the land purchase, costs for the notary and the land register entry as well as property taxes are included here.

19 centsLand purchase preparation: find, research and document relevant nature conservation areas

In rapid assessments, we work with researchers to determine the biodiversity and CO2 storage capacity of the area. Aerial images from drones help us to document the areas.

18 centsLong-term protection and research

The ecological integrity of the areas is monitored and ensured through regular visits, local partnerships and forest guardian. Environmental ambassadors and scientists visit the areas, conduct research together and experience the forest they are protecting.

Initial costs
Long-term costs

Transparently protect forest


Environmental projects with schools

we have implemented locally



we have already been able to enter into partnerships with companies to jointly protect nature and make their core business more sustainable



support nature conservation with us through donations

Robert Marc Lehmann

was with us in Peru

Marine biologist Robert Marc Lehmann, known as an environmentalist, filmmaker and YouTuber, was with us in Peru and visited the areas he protects with his "Mission Earth" community. The result is an 8-part series with about 400,000 views each. In the video you get an insight into our work, the nature and the people on site in Peru. 

I have seen firsthand how Wilderness International tirelessly protects forests, sustainably and tangibly, in collaboration with local people and scientists from around the world. Buying up forests is the best way to ensure that they will still be standing thousands of years from now.

Wilderness International



More about us

More about us

Frequently asked questions about transparency

Wilderness International
Wilderness International

non-profit foundation under civil law

+49 351 31402-220

Suite 345, 108-4301B Southpark Drive

Stony Plain, AB, T7Z2A9


Registered Canadian Charitable number: 840904817 RR0001