"Mission Peru", "Mission Canada", numerous book, calendar and merchandise projects - and all for the benefit of jungle conservation! Since 2021, Mission Erde e.V., Robert Marc Lehmann and the great Mission Erde Community have been supporting Wilderness International in the protection of unique wilderness areas, setting one donation record after another!
Nisi at ac aliquam massa. Lacus, in fames auctor non fringilla sed. Rhoncus dictumst urna,aliquam, tristique ultrices auctor nunc. Semper eget id elementum, viverra aliquet condimentum enim. Ultricies ac at pulvinar consectetur sed ridiculus netus. Tincidunt est ornare facilisis et, dictumst purus.
The old-growth forest I am standing in right now is thousands of years old, if not hundreds of thousands. This ecosystem has developed over so many years and has become so tightly knotted that it would not only be a shame to lose the ecosystem - it would be a dramatic loss.
Robert Marc Lehmann
Environmentalist, photographer, marine biologist
In July 2023, Robert and cameraman Nico accompanied a team from Wilderness International to our protected areas in Western Canada. Together we explored and showed the wild nature of the British Columbia coast: Everything really is connected. Every single animal - from salmon and orca to grizzly bears, wolves, and eagles - plays a role in the conservation of entire ecosystems. Our goal is to protect at least 1,000,000 m² of temperate rainforest with Mission Earth Community.
Nisi at ac aliquam massa. Lacus, in fames auctor non fringilla sed. Rhoncus dictumst urna,aliquam, tristique ultrices auctor nunc. Semper eget id elementum, viverra aliquet condimentum enim. Ultricies ac at pulvinar consectetur sed ridiculus netus. Tincidunt est ornare facilisis et, dictumst purus.
Get in there, protect the rainforest!
Rare coastal wolves, centuries-old jungle giants and mysterious sundew in the forest bog - the temperate rainforest of the northwest coast is a wild treasure. Together with Mission Earth and Wilderness International, you can protect this forest forever.
In August 2021, Robert and his team visited our protected areas in the Peruvian Amazon - the most biodiverse place on earth! Sunrises over the rainforest canopy, nocturnal caiman transects and hunting for the rarest animals of the Peruvian jungle - Robert really explored our Secret Forest with all his senses.
Nisi at ac aliquam massa. Lacus, in fames auctor non fringilla sed. Rhoncus dictumst urna,aliquam, tristique ultrices auctor nunc. Semper eget id elementum, viverra aliquet condimentum enim. Ultricies ac at pulvinar consectetur sed ridiculus netus. Tincidunt est ornare facilisis et, dictumst purus.
of wilderness sponsors have protected
Playful monkeys, mysterious jaguars, cozy capybaras and liana-covered jungle giants - thanks to the numerous donations from the Mission Earth Community, we can preserve the habitat of all these species forever and stop the destruction of the rainforest together.
Since Robert Marc Lehmann and Wilderness International started working together, we have already implemented several joint projects. Here you can find an overview of the "Mission Earth" store projects with which Robert is also privately involved in wilderness protection. We are sure that this list will grow enormously in the future - as will the trees that we have been able to protect together so far.
Nisi at ac aliquam massa. Lacus, in fames auctor non fringilla sed. Rhoncus dictumst urna,aliquam, tristique ultrices auctor nunc. Semper eget id elementum, viverra aliquet condimentum enim. Ultricies ac at pulvinar consectetur sed ridiculus netus. Tincidunt est ornare facilisis et, dictumst purus.
by Robert Marc Lehmann
The new, beautifully illustrated annual planner protects 1 m2 of temperate rainforest in British Columbia, Canada, forever.
By purchasing Robert Marc Lehmann's calendar, you have protected 1m2 old-growth forest forever and thus actively supported the mission!
Every copy of "Mission Earth: The world is worth fighting for" protects 1 m2 of rainforest in our protected areas in Peru. This has already enabled us to protect over 100,000 m2 of rainforest.
Each copy of Robert Marc Lehmann's illustrated book protects 1 m2 of temperate rainforest in British Columbia, Canada. We have already been able to protect almost 50,000 m2 in this way.
With the purchase of Mission Earth products, 1 m2 of rainforest per product and an additional 1 m2 for each shipment is protected forever.
With every purchase of clothing from the Mission Earth collection, 1 m2 of rainforest is protected forever.
The world is worth fighting for
Robert Marc Lehmann is on a mission: the preservation of our earth with its unique nature and wildlife - his "Mission Earth". The marine biologist, photographer and environmentalist is on missions worldwide to save wildlife and fight environmental crime.
It gives hope that all is not lost - because: The world is worth fighting for! And you can join the fight and help to preserve it!
The foundation, which is based in Peru, Canada and Germany, purchases legally secure wilderness areas and protects them for the future. The purchases are refinanced through donations, which ensure the long-term protection of the areas and enable environmental education projects and research into CO₂ storage and biodiversity.
Wilderness International purchases legally secure wilderness areas and protects them for all future generations. The purchases are refinanced through donations, which at the same time ensure the long-term protection of the areas and enable environmental education projects and research into CO2 storage and biodiversity. Donors receive a personalized certificate with the exact geo-coordinates of the protected forest area, so that the protection is directly traceable. We are currently active in the temperate rainforest of Western Canada and in the Amazon rainforest of Peru, where we are protecting ancient primary rainforests.
We protect the areas we select exclusively through purchase with entry in the land register and in countries with a high level of legal security. All three international foundations are registered as owners in the land register. The forest areas that we have purchased as foundations can no longer be bought from us and we are no longer allowed to sell them.
The organizational form of the foundation prevents the rights over the disposal of property from resting with a single person and ensures its permanent existence. Our statutes stipulate that the land is to be left untouched and only visited for research and documentation purposes.
Due to their remoteness and the undeveloped area, our protected areas in Canada can only be reached at great financial, material and time expense and not without risk. In addition, the high level of legal certainty in Canada ensures that damage to land results in severe sanctions. The British Columbia Trespass Act clearly prohibits trespassing on private land. Violations are prosecuted in court, even if no damage has been done. We also visit and inspect the areas as part of regular research visits and have partnerships with local companies that support us. In Canada, we also have the advantage that property has a very high cultural and historical value and is respected.
In Canada, there are no direct 'locals' in the protected areas, as they are quite isolated. The Wilderness International Canada team consists primarily of Canadians who also promote environmental education and conservation issues in the country, for example through cooperation with companies such as whale watching agencies that create awareness of the complex ecological interrelationships, or other local research or conservation organizations. We also organize environmental ambassador programs where German students engage in dialogue with locals and First Nations about environmental issues.
In Peru, we have set up a Forest Guardian program with locals. Our Forest Guardians regularly visit the forest areas, ensure their protection and are in contact with the local population. We also create environmental education materials together. The Guardians also receive training, for example on how to fly a drone. We are also setting up an environmental education program with a local lodge that enables schoolchildren and environmental police officers from the nearest town to get to know the rainforest up close. We have established collaborations with local agroforestry projects to enable locals to farm economically in harmony with nature, as well as to cooperate directly with sustainable farmers and create other alternative sources of income. In this way, we hope to reduce the population's motivation for further deforestation of rainforest areas.