Code of Conduct

With our Code of Conduct, we define a minimum requirement for social, ecological and ethical responsibility for our collaboration. This Code of Conduct applies equally to both partners. In the event of non-compliance with these principles, the other partner is permitted to terminate the collaboration.

This Code of Conduct is based on national laws and regulations and international conventions, including the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Guiding Principles on the Rights of the Child and Business Conduct, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labor Standards of the International Labor Organization.


  • Negative social and environmental impacts should be systematically minimized and avoided. Positive effects should be increased.
  • The partners recognize and implement relevant international and national laws and regulations relating to health, safety, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
  • The partners also involve their employees and stakeholders in the implementation of these principles.
  • The partners encourage their suppliers and subcontractors to follow the same basic principles.

Sociological responsibility 

  • The partners are committed to a safe and healthy working environment.
  • The partners pay their employees at least the national statutory minimum wage or the higher minimum standards customary in the industry. They respect regulations on working hours, annual leave and sick days. Protection periods are provided for pregnant employees.
  • The partners prohibit all forms of forced labor and exploitative child labor.
  • The partners undertake to protect children from sexual exploitation and prostitution. Suspicious behavior by employees, suppliers or other persons within the contractual partner's sphere of influence will not be tolerated and will be reported as a crime.
  • The partners reject physical and psychological violence as well as sexual harassment.
  • The partners do not accept discrimination on the basis of skin color, ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation.

Ecological responsibility  

  • The partners take measures to reduce their ecological footprint.
  • The partners take care to minimize use and consumption of resources during during production and to reduce or avoid the generation of waste, including water and energy. Energy consumption is monitored with a view to energy efficiency.

Ethical responsibility

  • The partners follow the standards for fair business, fair advertising and fair competition.
  • The partners undertake to protect the privacy of partners, customers and employees and to fulfill reasonable expectations regarding data protection.
  • Intellectual property rights must be respected. Technology and know-how are transferred in such a way that intellectual property rights and customer information are protected.