Wilderness International

of CO2-compensation

of COCompensation through old-growth forest protection?

When we hear the word "offsetting", we usually think of CO2 is taken up again somewhere else. This is the case with some projects. In fact, however, many compensation approaches are also based on avoiding further CO2-emissions in a comprehensible way.

We believe it is more urgent and more effective to preserve intact natural areas before it is too late. This is because large quantities of CO2 bound in living biomass. And they have many other important functions for a healthy climate. You can find out why old-growth forest is our most important buffer against climate change here. 

of CO2-Memory

The world's forests and moors bind just as much CO2as is present in the entire atmosphere. If such carbon-rich ecosystems are destroyed, they release more CO2 than would ever be possible to bind again in a period of time relevant to humans.

Wilderness International

Because deforestation affects the climate.

When a forest is cut down, the carbon stocks stored in it are released through the use of the wood and the rotting of the branches, leaves and roots. Every tree that is removed from the forest will sooner or later rot or be burnt, whether as paper that has been recycled seven times or furniture that has been inherited for years. A carbon stock that has built up over thousands of years in the biomass of the forest is thus released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide within a very short space of time. There, the CO2 as a greenhouse gas and accelerates global warming.

of CO2-Calculate footprint

Whether you are a private individual, an office or a medical practice - we currently offer three specialized, free CO2 calculators and the number is growing regularly. You can use them to calculate CO2 calculate, analyze and reduce emissions.

You can then calculate the CO2 footprint directly by protecting valuable rainforest!

10 - 15 % of all annual CO2 emissions are caused by the destruction of forests and the draining of peatlands. This means that the loss of forest land has a much greater impact on the atmosphere than, for example, the global Flight sectorwhich accounts for 3.6 % of emissions.

Wilderness International

Bill Murray


Forest loss

Every year, 12.2 million hectares of tropical forest are cleared. Another 13 million hectares of boreal, subtropical and temperate forests are added year after year. That's 25.2 million hectares of destroyed forest annually - an area equivalent to the size of Great Britain.

Wilderness International

What does 1 ton of CO2 to compensate?

The compensation of 1 ton of CO2 costs 16.70€ donation. Because in our protected areas, every square meter emits ø 60 kg of CO2 bound. 1m2 rainforest can be protected forever with a donation of one euro. In this way, you ensure that the CO2which is bound in the biomass of the forest, is not released but remains permanently bound.

From a global perspective, virgin forests are our most important buffer against human-induced climate change. Protecting them is a top priority if we want to save the climate.

Kai Andersch

Forest Scientist & Chairman of the Board

Wilderness International

Time to say thank you.

To nature. For all the free services with which it so naturally gifts us every day and without which our lives would be impossible.

Together, we are giving back to nature by preserving and protecting the last intact, high-carbon, biodiverse ecosystems.

Wilderness International