How does my donation work?

1 € 



1 m2

of old-growth rainforest

forever and ensures that

60 kg

 of CO2

remain bound in the biomass of the forest

Tested & recommended

The Phineo "Wirkt!" seal confirms that our work has a traceable effect and that we are a high-performance and transparent organization.


To obtain this seal, we were analyzed by independent experts over a period of six months in a four-stage process. 


The non-profit company Phineo offers independent and reliable verification of the effectiveness of social engagement. This saves private donors and companies that are looking for projects for impactful engagement the demanding and laborious effort of going into detail.


As a donor or partner, you can be sure that your contribution will be used effectively.


Wilderness International

Nature conservation. But effective.


In our impact report, we show you where your donation goes and what we have already achieved together.

Wilderness International
Here's where it goes:
* the figures are based on real expenditure of the last 13 years
1€ protects
1m² forest!
Initial costs
Long-term costs
20 centsEnvironmental education and communication

This part goes directly into our projects, such as wilderness runs and environmental education projects with schools, workshops, and our web platform.

5 centsAdministrative expenses 38 centsLand purchase and purchase process

In addition to the costs for the land purchase, costs for the notary, land registry entry, and property taxes are also included.

19 centsLand purchase preparation: find, research and document relevant nature conservation areas

In rapid assessments, we work with researchers to determine the biodiversity and CO2 storage capacity of the area. Aerial images from drones help us to document the areas.

18 centsLong-term protection and research

The ecological integrity of the areas is monitored and ensured through regular visits, local partnerships, and the Forest Guardians on site. Environmental ambassadors and scientists visit the areas, conduct research together, and experience the forest they are protecting.

Initial costs
Long-term costs

Save the rainforest now! 

Playful monkeys, rare coastal wolves and centuries-old trees - the rainforests of our earth are not only a wonder of nature, but also essential for a livable future. Together with Wilderness International, you can protect them forever.

Goals for sustainable development

Wilderness International
SDG 15: Life on land 

SDG 15 (= Sustainable Development Goal) calls for the protection and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems, especially forests, by 2030. 

Our work contributes to achieving this SDG.


Deforestation and the resulting soil degradation and desertification will be halted. At the same time, we enable renaturation. Only if existing nature is preserved, can biodiversity spread from there again. This is an essential prerequisite for the restoration and rehabilitation of damaged forests, areas, and soils—especially for those affected by desertification, drought, and flooding. 

Wilderness International
SDG 13: Climate action

SDG13 calls for the global temperature rise to be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030. 10 - 15% of all annual emissions contributing to a rise in temperature are caused by the destruction of forests and the draining of peatlands.


And the worst thing about it: for every tree we cut down, we not only emit moreCO2 into the atmosphere, but also destroy our greatest ally in the fight against climate change.


By protecting existing high-carbon forests, we and our partners are helping to achieve SDG 13.

Wilderness International
SDG 14: Life below water

SDG 14 calls for the prevention and significant reduction of all forms of marine pollution, in particular from land-based activities, by 2025. 


When forests are cut down, their nutrient-rich topsoil is washed away by the rain. The soil is washed into the rivers, which become eutrophic and carry too many nutrients into the sea. By protecting forests and their rivers, we are also preventing marine pollution and helping to achieve SDG 14. 

Wilderness International
SDG 6: Clean water

Water-linked ecosystems should be protected and restored by 2020. The various functions of the forest all contribute to achieving this SDG. 

Wilderness International
SDG 4: Quality education

This SDG aims to ensure "that all learners acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development, including through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles".


Our sponsored runs are an opportunity to make an ecological commitment: for the world's most biodiverse rainforests, for a healthy global climate and greener schools at home. 


20% of the donations collected at the Wilderness Run can be used for green projects at your own school. Ponds, gardens and insect hotels have already been created in school playgrounds and trees have been planted.

Wilderness International
12: Sustainable consumption

This sustainability goal calls for initiatives that encourage companies to introduce sustainable practices and include sustainability information in their reporting.


Partner companies work with us to protect forests and reduce their carbon footprint. They usually involve their customers in the process. This is how we contribute to SDG 12.

Wilderness International
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the goals

Without our corporate partners, we would not be able to protect as much old-growth forest as we have so far. They take responsibility and in some cases even lead the way as pioneers in their industry with their commitment to protecting nature.


In line with SDG 17, we are building effective civil society partnerships to promote sustainability, particularly in the private sector.

Wilderness up close! 


We provide insights into the early days of the foundation, our first expeditions to Canada, and what we achieved from 2008 to 2014.  

Wilderness International