Wilderness International Peru

"Save the rainforest" projects on the pulse of the Amazon

Hot jungle air, colorful macaws, but also the noise of the street in Puerto Maldonado... This is the working atmosphere of our Peruvian rainforest conservation organization in the most biodiverse place on earth.

Our mission here is to save the last remnants of contiguous rainforest in Peru. They are fiercely contested. Land is coveted for agriculture, timber and gold mining. Roads cut habitats and from there, the fishbone pattern of clear-cutting spreads into the forest. 

Working with locals and developing joint projects, such as agroforestry for sustainable livelihoods, are at the core of our work here. Without them, rainforest conservation would be unthinkable.



Our big goal, the international protection of wilderness, we put into practice every day in many different projects, piece by piece.

  • Wilderness International
    The Forest Guardians:

    Locals with great experience ensure every day the protection of forest areas in Peru



The Wilderness International Peru team consists of the Asamblea General, the Consejo Directivo (Board of Directors) and numerous volunteers.

Wilderness International
Flor Ugarte Villavicencio

Chief Financial Officer

I was born in the Andes, in Urcos, near Cusco, a wonderful place full of nature at that time. As a child, I moved with my family to Madre de Dios, where I have now lived for more than 45 years. I love the trees, rivers, streams and waterfalls, the heat and the sounds of nature with its thousands of species of animals here. Although I have to admit that I don't like mosquitoes very much. I have worked for numerous entities in Puerto Maldonado, from tourist accommodations to government organizations to family businesses. But working with Wilderness International is the most fulfilling for me because I see us preserving the things I love so much. And most importantly, because I feel that in this way I can also raise awareness in others about how to care for, protect, and preserve our beautiful natural world.

Wilderness International
Dr. Chris Kirkby


I have been living in Peru since 1995 and carry out projects for the organization Fauna Forever to research biodiversity, protect tropical forests, provide environmental education and develop local communities. My focus is on the rainforests of the Madre de Dios region in the south-east of the country. I previously completed a PhD in Biology at the University of East Anglia, an MRes at the University of York and a BSc at the University of Edinburgh.


My joining Wilderness International was definitely a happy coincidence – in the right place at the right time, with the right people committed to preserving wild nature. A Peruvian friend introduced me to Fabian Mühlberger in 2018. Fabian and David MacDonald then accompanied me to the Peruvian Tambopata rainforest to photograph the wildlife of the Amazon and to explore the potential for conservation projects in the region. It is always fun for me to show environmentally conscious people this corner of the Amazon, because the sheer diversity of animal and plant species never ceases to take people's breath away. I was very pleased that Fabian and David were no exceptions. 

I believe in community conservation because it takes a lot of minds and skills to properly implement processes in this area. That's why we soon started talking about WI's conservation goals. It quickly became clear that WI's strategy of preserving wilderness areas with high biodiversity would fit very well into the local socio-ecological context, and soon enough, I began to actively support the WI team in establishing a permanent presence in the Peruvian Amazon. Today, I am the Chairman of the Board of Directors of WI-Peru and lead the process of evaluating and subsequently sourcing suitable land for long-term conservation measures in Peru.

Wilderness International
Stefany Rado Serrano

Forest Guardian

I studied biology at UNSAAC in Cusco and have since worked on various projects in the Madre de Dios region, including an environmental study on the renaturation of natural areas destroyed by gold mines and tree species threatened with extinction. My studies have taught me to respect, appreciate and, above all, love nature. It has brought me here, to my beloved jungle, to do a great work. It reminds me of what the poet Rabindranath Tagore once said: "Turn a tree into firewood and it will burn for you, but it will not bear flowers or fruit for your children." Meanwhile, these are no longer just words, they are our reality. 

For me, it is indescribable to be able to study and protect what is so close to my heart. To even be able to make it my profession is one of the best gifts that life could have given me.

Wilderness International
Maria Laura Tolmos

Founding Member WI Peru, Member of the Board of Directors WI Peru

Having grown up in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, I have been fascinated by nature since I was a child. That's why I did my bachelor's degree in forestry in Peru, then my master's degree in forest ecology in Germany, and am currently doing my PhD in plant ecology. The more I have learned, the more I have come to love and appreciate nature and everything that belongs to it. And I have developed a comprehensive understanding of how quickly mankind is exploiting nature. 


Rising population figures, deforestation, environmental pollution, the depletion of natural resources and all the associated consequences are problems that concern me every day. I would like to contribute to solving them. As a Peruvian, I look at these problems from a very personal perspective. As part of Wilderness International, I want to contribute to the protection and restoration of unique ecosystems around the world, starting in my own country.


Wilderness International
Alexandra Suaquita Aragon

Office assistance

I was born in Lima-Peru, but moved to Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, 17 years ago with my parents and brother. I am studying law at the Universidad Nacional Amazónica De Madre De Dios (UNAMAD). I love nature and always try to be outside and gain new experiences. I am very happy and satisfied to be part of Wilderness International Peru. My biggest dream is to be able to help and defend people in need.
I thank my mother, father and brother for supporting me in all my dreams.

Wilderness International
Guido Nuñez

Forest Guardian 

I am originally from the highlands of Peru and am proud of my roots in Arequipa. I have known the jungle for many years. My children were born in Madre de Dios. I immediately fell in love with the jungle and carried out many important construction works for the city, for example the obelisk of Madre de Dios. I consider myself a lover of biodiversity and a connoisseur of flora and fauna since I was 20 years old. I am happy to be part of WI because I like the approach of protecting nature and preserving what little we have left of our wonderful forests.

Wilderness International
Ana-Paula Bezzolo

Forest Guardian 

During my last year of study, the northern Peruvian coast was devastated by Cyclone Yaku. I saw how everything was flooded, the city was destroyed and people suffered from the effects of torrential rainfall similar to the El Niño phenomenon. Both events are becoming more frequent due to climate change. It was then that I realized that my generation and all of us who live on Earth in the 21st century have a duty and responsibility to do something about global warming.

One of the biggest challenges facing humanity is to protect and stop the overexploitation of forests such as the Amazon. Through social networks, I learned that Wilderness International was committed to protecting the Amazon rainforests in Madre de Dios, and from then on I wanted to work with them.

The mission of environmental education is to restore the connection between people and nature, and I am honored to contribute to this as the coordinator of the WI Peru Environmental Education Project. I firmly believe that there is good in everyone, and the Madre de Dios community is no exception. Conservation is an arduous and complex task, and environmental education and constant interaction with people is one of the most powerful tools for success.



Wilderness International
Chris Ketola

Head Field Research Coordinator 

Animals and nature have been a part of my life since birth. I grew up in the forests of Ontario, Canada, working with birds of prey, bats and other animals as a teenager. After running a conservation NGO in Ontario for 15 years, I am now involved in tropical rainforest conservation and am currently the Senior Field Research Coordinator for Fauna Forever, where I lead vital research work in the Peruvian Amazon.


The partnership with Wilderness International has already led to the protection of thousands of hectares of rainforest, and I am delighted to now be able to work with both organizations to protect endangered habitats in Peru and around the world!

On the road with Robert Marc Lehmann

YouTuber and environmentalist Robert Marc Lehmann takes you on an expedition to our protected areas in Peru. Get to know the most important local people and dive into the Peruvian rainforest with him!

Wilderness International
Wilderness International (Peru)


Dpto. 1B, Residencial Los Robles

Jiron Junin 814
Puerto Maldonado

Departamento de Madre de Dios, 17000