Wilderness International

Mission Earth e.V.

Wilderness International
  • Non-profit association founded in 2019
  • The purpose of the association is to promote the protection of the environment, nature and animals on a global level
  • Partner since 2020

This is how many square meters of rainforest have already been permanently protected through Robert's actions and Mission Erde e.V: 



of wilderness sponsors have protected

m2 of old-growth forest

forever protected, thus ensuring that

tonnes of CO2

remain permanently stored in the biomass of the forest
100,000 m² protected
Protect more forest

About Mission Erde e.V.

Mission Erde e.v. is an association co-founded by Robert Marc Lehmann with a large and ambitious mission: to protect, preserve and fight for our planet together.

To this end, Mission Erde e.V. is active in various conservation projects around the world and supports local environmental protection organizations - including Wilderness International - as well as individuals who are fighting for the preservation of a species or habitat on the ground. Mission Erde provides support, for example, through active engagement, on-site missions, school programs, financial aid and wide-reaching public relations work. Supported by Mission Erde e.V., Robert has already accompanied us on several missions to our protected areas in Peru and Canada, visited the areas protected by him, Mission Erde e.V. and his community and recorded his experiences and impressions in his YouTube documentary. As a result, more than 1.5 million square meters of rainforest have already been protected forever. 

Mission Peru

Thanks to the great commitment of Robert and his team of Mission Erde e.V.s, an 8-part YouTube series about his journey with us to Peru was published. And even more brilliant: The Mission Erde community alone has protected more than half a million square meters of rainforest in Peru forever within eight months - that's a record! To be exact, by Dec. 16, 2022, it was a full 572,880 m2 - and it's getting more every day!

Wilderness International

Mission Earth Community has already protected a staggering 572,880 m2 old-growth forest within just a few months. Strong - keep it up!

Mission Canada

In July 2023, Robert and cameraman Niko accompanied us to our protected areas in British Coumbia on Canada's West Coast. An exciting YouTube documentary with 8 episodes was also made about this breathtaking journey, in which Robert encounters grizzlies, orcas and coastal wolves and shows in an equally comprehensible and impressive way how all the inhabitants of this ecosystem are connected to each other. 

Wilderness International

Together with Missios Erde e.V. and his community, Robert is protecting the "Mission Earth Forest" in Canada - after 8 months, almost 900,000 m2of rainforest have been protected - the goal of 1 million protected square meters is within reach!