Since my school days in Meissen, many people have known me as the "social noodle", because I have always loved to stand up for my environment and my fellow human beings. This social streak, coupled with an irrepressible curiosity, led me to travel the world and get to know it better.
I studied viticulture and noticed the serious problems facing agriculture, particularly through internships abroad in New Zealand, South Africa, France, Spain and Chile. The need to change this global exploitation of people and nature in agricultural supply chains then led me to pursue an in-depth Master's degree, which gave me the tools to understand, analyze and ultimately break through these structures. In my own scientific work, I have also dealt intensively with the topics of "carbon footprint", "processes in the Rights of Nature movement" and "philosophy of science". WI gives me the opportunity to reconcile all these interests!
I also have a 5-year-old daughter and a Chilean partner, I love the outdoors, wine, science talks and trying out new things - true to the motto "seeking discomfort".