One of the most important elements of our work is transparency. We ensure this by assigning the exact geocoordinates to each square meter of our forest areas, so that it is clear exactly which piece of wilderness was protected with the donation. Orthomosaics, high-resolution aerial photographs, are created for this purpose. For their creation, the eVTOL drone manufacturer Quantum-Systems GmbH from Munich has been supporting us since 2021 with equipment consisting of a drone and various integrated cameras and sensors. We benefit from the many years of experience in surveying, LiDAR and geoinformation data processing of Quantum-Systems employees and their technical expertise. Working with Quantum-Systems saves us up to 200 hours of work per 60 ha of wilderness.
In June 2021, Quantum-Systems joined forces with Wilderness International on an expedition in Peru to capture aerial images with an extremely high ground resolution and to carry out additional aerial surveys with LiDAR and multispectral cameras. In addition to the aerial panoramas of the land, important data was also collected, which will be analyzed by our scientific partners from Fauna Forever and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig (UFZ) after the expedition. This will enable us to gather further important findings about the wilderness reserves, for example on CO2-storage and biodiversity.
From October 2021, Quantum-Systems will also protect 64 m2 of unique tropical rainforest in Peru for every Trinity F90+ drone sold. Thus, this year alone, around 10,000 m2 of Peruvian rainforest will be protected - the rainforest over which the Trinity F90+ itself flew.
We are very pleased about this extraordinary commitment of Quantum-Systems GmbH, which significantly helps us with the topic of transparency. Thank you very much!