Wilderness International


Wilderness International
  • German-speaking guided nature and culture tours in small groups
  • Diamir offsets 50% of the carbon footprint of each trip through old-growth forest protection and motivates travelers to take on the other 50%
  • Partner since 2016 
8 years


DIAMIR has made great efforts to


m2 of old-growth forest

forever protected, thus ensuring that


tons of CO2

remain permanently stored in the biomass of the forest

Wilderness International

Commitment in Canada 

As a long-standing partner, DIAMIR has been actively supporting us for many years in protecting our conservation areas on the west coast of Canada. 

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Wilderness International

Commitment in Peru

Since 2020, DIAMIR has also been working with its customers to preserve the tropical rainforest in the Madre de Dios region of Peru. 

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Travel and nature conservation - a strong connection


The cooperation between Diamir Erlebnisreisen and Wilderness International combines travel adventures with environmental protection and sustainability. Our collaboration began from a shared interest in protecting nature and at the same time making travelers aware of their environmental responsibility.


When traveling, it is almost unavoidable to emit environmentally harmful CO2 emissions. In order to travel sustainably, Diamir offsets its consumption of nature, measured as CO2-footprint, through wilderness protection. For this, the CO2-emissions of each trip, as well as the storage capacity of the temperate rainforests of Western Canada. Diamir's commitment was recognized in 2017 with 2nd place at the GreenTec Award, Europe's largest environmental prize.


Diamir is one of the leading adventure tour operators in the German-speaking world and offers guided small group tours and individual tours in 120 countries. The offer ranges from trekking tours to safaris and photography trips. What all trips have in common is the desire to encounter the country and its people consciously and intensively. This is ensured by small groups with a maximum of 12 participants and the expertise of Diamir's approximately 100 employees.


Diamir offsets in three dimensions for every group trip. Firstly, an area of forest is protected, based on the CO2-footprint of the respective trip. Second, this allows CO2 to be sequestered in living biomass. Third, Diamir ensures the long-term protection of habitats and biodiversity.


One particular success of the partnership is the voluntary participation of customers, who can make additional donations. Between 2019 and 2022 alone, participation rose from 15% to 23%.


In total, this cooperation has so far helped to protect over 2 million square meters of rainforest, which both secures the habitat of many animal and plant species and contributes to combating climate change in the long term. The cooperation between Diamir and Wilderness International is an example of how sustainable tourism and nature conservation can successfully go hand in hand.