OttoBulletproof Community Forest 

Wilderness International

Off into new wilderness adventures! 

On his adventurous travels, Otto Bulletproof has come to know and love many beautiful wilderness areas. As an ambassador for Wilderness International, he now wants to work with you to protect these unique ecosystems.

Join in and protect your piece in the OttoBulletproof forest now - for yourself or as a gift!




of wilderness sponsors have protected

m2 of old-growth forest

forever protected, thus ensuring that

tonnes of CO2

remain permanently stored in the biomass of the forest

100,000 m² protected
Protect more forest

I see it as my responsibility to protect the wilderness - for the future of our world and our children. The last intact rainforests are the green lungs of the planet and are essential for the preservation of biodiversity. Let's preserve them together for ourselves and future generations.

Otto Karasch

Content Creator & Wilderness Ambassador

Wilderness International

Every contribution counts! 

We have a great vision: to protect the last real wilderness areas in our world forever!
To achieve this, we buy ecologically valuable and acutely endangered forest areas by land register entry in order to protect them in a legally secure, permanent and transparent manner. The purchases are refinanced by your donations and protected in the long term. 

How you can protect forests: 

  1. Select size

    Select the size of the forest area you want to protect in the donation form.

  2. Fill in the donation form

    Enter your details in the form to ensure that you receive all the information and the donation receipt.

  3. Design certificate

    Now you can personalize the certificate with your name or the name of the person you want to give the gift to. If you want, you can also add an occasion.

  4. Receive certificate

    You can download the certificate with the geocoordinates of your protected area directly after payment. It will also be sent to you by e-mail, together with a link that shows you your personal protected area on our online map down to the square meter. 

Your wilderness protection certificate - also a perfect gift

Immediately after your donation, you will receive a personalized certificate about the piece of wilderness you have protected. It also makes a great gift!

Protect forest nowProtect forest now
Wilderness International

Transparent, tested & recommended!


In 2017, we joined the Transparent Civil Society Initiative. 

We are committed to high standards of transparency, accountability and effectiveness for international NGOs.


The Phineo "Wirkt!" seal also confirms that our work has a traceable effect and that we are a high-performance and transparent organization. To receive it, we were analyzed by independent experts over a period of six months in a four-stage process. 


The Otto Bulletproof Forest donors

Wilderness International
Wilderness International
Wilderness International
Wilderness International

What is a temperate rainforest? 

About Wilderness International 

The foundation, based in Peru, Canada and Germany, purchases legally secure wilderness areas and protects them for all futures. The purchases are refinanced by donations that ensure the long-term protection of the areas and enable environmental education projects and research onCO2 storage and biodiversity. 

Wilderness International
Wilderness International
Wilderness International

non-profit foundation under civil law

+49 351 31402-220

Suite 345, 108-4301B Southpark Drive

Stony Plain, AB, T7Z2A9


Registered Canadian Charitable number: 840904817 RR0001