Plant trees

Together we will plant as many trees and shrubs as your city has inhabitants!

In 2019, the initiative"My Tree - My Dresden" was launched in Dresden as a blueprint for independent tree planting initiatives. Non-politically and collectively, citizens are greening their city and thus improving climate, biodiversity and quality of life.

You can participate: By planting with us in an existing action or by starting the initiative in your city!

My tree - My Dresden

The most important info about the initiative using the example of the local action in Dresden.


550,000 trees for Dresden - that's one for every Dresdener!


Since 2019, we have been planting trees and shrubs in Dresden and the surrounding area every year in the fall and spring during the best planting season (usually in November and December as well as February) together with many volunteers.


Monetary donations enable the purchase of the plants and the organization. The landowners provide us with the areas for the plantings voluntarily and free of charge. They commit themselves to leave the trees and shrubs standing and also take care of the future maintenance.


We plant native woody plants. We improve biodiversity and create habitats. For healthy air. For butterflies, wild bees and singing birds. For healthy coexistence. For a greener, more livable and healthier Dresden. And as a model for the rest of the world!

You in 20 years, in Dresden and the surrounding area. A lot of green. Clear air. Super climate that you helped to create. Back then at the 2022 planting campaign.

Wilderness International

Ronny Scholz

Board of Directors Wilderness International

Here's how you can join in:

  • Never miss a planting action again

    Sign up for our newsletter - we will write you when there is a new planting party in Dresden and how many trees have already been planted.

  • Start the initiative in your city!

    Live too far from existing planting efforts? Adopt the Blueprint for your city with our open source material.

  • Make your space available

    Do you have an unused lawn or fallow land of 2,000 m2 or more in Dresden and the surrounding area? Make it available to us and we will plant it. 

We humans spend a lot of time outdoors. Especially in summer, we enjoy lying in the shade of the trees, listening to the songbirds and breathing the fresh air. That's why I think it's time we gave life to 550,000 trees - and made our lives more beautiful!

Johannes Kaul


Wilderness International

More planting actions

81 percent of Dresden residents would like to see more public green spaces. From August 5 to September 30, 2017, 12,500 randomly selected citizens with their main residence in Dresden were asked to participate in the survey.

SDG 11

SDG 11 seeks to improve air quality, ensure access to safe and inclusive green spaces, and increase the number of cities and settlements implementing projects to mitigate climate change, adapt to climate change, and promote resilience to disasters.

Wilderness International

With the "My Tree - My City" project, we are contributing to the achievement of SDG 11.